Our Bus and Driver
We charter a motor coach from Arrow stage lines. . Look for the unique bus logo at both pick up and drop off locations
Please introduce yourself to new members and share coupons, buddy passes or friends and family discounts
Please do not lean skis or poles against the bus
Please be organized
Store all you can on the bus shelf nearest your seat (ski boots must be kept on the floor under seat)
All your carry on items must be limited to your specific seat area.
Seats on the bus are first come/first served.
Please arrange your ski day to be on the bus before the 3:30pm departure time.
If you will not be taking the bus home make sure you let several people know in advance.
Make sure your bus mates are all there.
Before you exit the bus in the PM make sure your seat area looks the way you found it in the am (clean/litter free).
If not enough members have signed up for a trip, a decision to cancel the bus may be made by the executive committee.
The bus will be cancelled no later than 8 days prior to the trip. Members will be notified in advance and refunds will be given to all members who signed up for the trip.
In the event we deem it imperative to cancel a bus, such cases as extreme road conditions and/or weather we will notify the group via e-mail as soon as possible in advance of trip.
We are a very hardy group; therefore, expect the bus to roll. No email means the bus is going.
You may, at your own discretion, decide not to participate, but If the bus rolls, there are no refunds for those who do not show up.
Should the Vail pass be closed OR the bus driver doesn't think it is wise to go over the pass, the bus will divert to either Keystone or Breckenridge. This decision will be made with the bus driver's input regarding safety